
Title Author(s) Publication Date
Untersuchung des Deckungspotentials in dezentralen Clustern Neumann, Peter 2012/10/12
A partially decentralized forecast-based Demand-Side-Management Approach
Damm, Markus
Mahlknecht, Stefan
Grimm, Christoph
-, -
Bertényi, Tamás
An EuP classification for partially decentralized domestic energy management
Grimm, Christoph
Mahlknecht, Stefan
Damm, Markus
The SmartCoDe Node Functional Prototype -, - 2011/10/12
Sounds for Energy-Efficient Buildings Antonio Barona 2011/10/12
The SmartCoDe Demonstrator - a testbed to evaluate energy management Malbasa, Veljko 2011/10/12
Wind Energy Forecasting for Distributed Generation Bertényi, Tamás 2011/10/12
Categorizing Energy using Products (EuPs) for partially decentralised Energy Management Damm, Markus 2011/10/12
Short-term solar energy forecasting for network stability Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Hermanns 2011/10/12
SmartCoDe System-in-Package Considerations Herndl, Thomas 2011/10/12
Energy Management in Households and Built Environments Dr. Sasa Z. Djokic 2011/10/12
Security in Smart Grid Environment Hájek, Juraj 2011/09/29
Cost Efficient Mains Powered Supply Concepts for Wireless Sensor Nodes Lukasch, Franz 2011/05/15
Wind Energy Forecasting for Distributed Generation in Local Energy Neighbourhoods Bertényi, Tamás 2011/04/05
Communication Aspects of Coordination in Robot Wireless Networks Malbasa, Veljko
Ivan Mezei
Ivan Stojmenovic
Security Considerations for a SmartCoDe Network Hájek, Juraj 2010/11/16
Building Simulation and Control Dr. Gerhard Zucker 2010/11/16
Global Energy Perspectives and the Role of New Technologies Prof. Dr. Nebojsa Nakicenovic 2010/11/16
Electric Energy Storage in Smart Buildings Lenz, Bettina 2010/11/16
Energy Forecasting for Distributed Generation in Local Energy Neighbourhoods Bertényi, Tamás 2010/11/16
An Architecture for Energy Management in Smart Appliances Grimm, Christoph 2010/11/16
Smart Energy Management Schmidt, Fritz 2010/11/16
A Smartcard based approach for a secure energy management node architecture
Mahlknecht, Stefan
Damm, Markus
Grimm, Christoph
Decentralised Small Scale Wind Energy Bertényi, Tamás 2010/06/25
Smart Control of Demand for Consumption and Supply to enable balanced, energy-positive buildings and neighbourhoods Schmidt, Fritz Dan Hildebrandt 2010/06/08