Dr Sasa Djokic is a Senior Lecturer in Electrical Power Systems, Programme Director for MSc Studies in Sustainable Energy Systems and Leader of the Power Systems Group in the School of Engineering at the University of Edinburgh, UK.
He received Dipl-Ing and MSc degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Nis, Serbia, and PhD degree in the same area from the University of Manchester, UK. From 1993 to 2001 he was with the Faculty of Electronic Eng. of the University of Nis. From 2001 to 2005 he was with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Manchester. He joined the University of Edinburgh in October 2005.
In the general area of Power System analysis, Dr Djokic’s research focuses on the assessment of reliability and power quality performance of networks with distributed energy generation/storage resources, including highly dispersed micro-generation systems, as well as on the development of improved system load models, fully incorporating demand-side management and responsive demand functionalities.
Dr Djokic is a Senior Member of IEEE, Member of IET, Associate Member of IESNA and SaRS, and also actively participates in a number of IEEE, CIGRE, CIRED, IES, UIE and BSI/IEC international Committees and Working Groups.